On May 11th 2024, a day after the Hub's 10th birthday  - writer Margaret O'Brien put out a call by email inviting submissions from writer for a very special book with the title, 'Letters to Linda' .
"To say that the response was immediate, warm and willing would be an understatement, but the most wonderful part of it all were the immediate offers of help. My heartfelt thanks to Jennifer Cox (of Content by Cox) for responding with not only a lovely poem as tribute to Linda but an immediate offer of help with the task of making a book from the collection of files, letters and poems, that flew into my inbox from writers around Ireland and the US - all who had been touched by Linda's magic in one form or another over the past decade. Together with her sister Vicky, (Victoria Tammadge @VtDesign), who generously provided the gorgeous cover illustration you will see below, they are also Inky Frog, creators of beautiful and unique cards and prints. You should check them out.
In less than a month we had a book! Incredible! Then the Carrick on Suir Lions Club came forward with a generous offer to finance the printing, by SurePrint, Clonmel. We would hold it in our hands, read from it, present it to Linda Fahy on June 8th, 2024 - at a very special surprise event in Brewery Lane Theatre, the day she closed the doors on one chapter of the wonderful Tudor Artisan Hub. All made possible by willing and generous hands and hearts.
I found it incredibly moving to hear many of the contributors read their own piece on stage at last night's 'Linda' event. Each one an individual response to their experience with the Hub and Linda over the past decade. Thank you all!" - Margaret O'Brien.

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