2021 Radio Drama Series
The Radio plays were created during Covid-19 pandemic mainly in a virtual realm and are inspired by stories generously shared by wonderful residents in three residential care homes, Greenhill, Carrick-on-Suir, Melview and St Anthony’s, Clonmel. Residents were invited to talk about a time in their lives when the world was turned on its head and everything was ok. The residents were remotely interviewed and shared a variety of inspiring and often very personal stories of resilience and challenges overcome. Writers from Writing Changes Lives created new radio dramas based on these interviews, and three, one from each Care Home were chosen to go into production. The three scripts were handed over to drama directors and a cast of seven actors all associated with the award-winning Brewery Lane Theatre Group in Carrick-on-Suir, and rehearsals began online. The final plays were recorded using a mixture of online meetings and digital recorders delivered to the actors. The entire project was completed on virtual platforms over 8 weeks during lockdown 3, in Spring 2021. Scroll down to learn more and listen to all 7 of the Radio Dramas